Thursday, January 6, 2011

2 poems by Matthias Schossig

Matthias Schossig is a Tai Chi practitioner and member of the Lotus Scholars group at Body Balance. Here are his responses to Chapters One and Two of the Tao Te Ching. (Lotus scholars study the translation by Gia Fu Feng and Jane English.)  Click the link to read the original chapters first (as we do in our meetings) and then you may more fully enjoy his writings. However, I'm sure that any Tai Chi practitioner will find meaning in these verses all by themselves. Thank you for sharing, Matthias.
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As soon as I enter
Shoulder width stand
I step into
A different universe.

Here, change is the only constant.
Definitions are in vain.
Knowledge elusive.
A new concept every time I check.

Breathing, I expand.
Shi Fu says: “Refine!”
What does that mean?
Something different with every breath.

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I like that. I don’t like that.
I get all excited.
I hate it. I love it.
Politics of discernment.
Smart choices. Ethical standards.

If I say Yes to one thing
I mean No to another,
Forgetting that without "another"
What I say yes to
Would not even exist.

No unity without separation.
No light without darkness.

I embrace both,
And let go.

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