Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year of Chi (qi) Cultivation

For many of us, celebrating the new year means a re-commitment to healthful living. We review our habits of the past year and make refinements. You've made the commitment to cultivating qi (chi) for life-long health, so remember to celebrate all the accomplishments of your Tai Chi and Qi Gong practice.  By attending classes at the school and practicing at home, you've gained first hand experience that these ancient arts can make a very real difference in your life today.

Continue to receive the benefits of cultivating Qi by (re)establishing a vibrant and vital home practice. Whether you're just learning the first moves of the Ba Duan Jin or refining the Six Sections of the Yang Style Tai Chi Long Form, here is a short list of tips from Dr. Roger Jahnke's book, "The Healing Promise of Qi":
  • Keep your practice fun and simple.
  • Focus on relaxation.
  • Practice daily.
  • Find several practice spots--some inside and some in nature.
  • Experiment with doing your practice at different times of the day or night.
  • Look for opportunities to practice with others.
  • Look for opportunities to work with advanced practitioners and instructors.
  • Stay within your comfort zone.

What tips can you add to this list? 

Xie xie (thank you) for sharing your experiences with the Body Balance community. Your generosity encourages and strengthens us all.

Happy New Year 2011!  Happy Year of the Rabbit.

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