Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Fresh thoughts on the nature of heaven and earth

The Way never does anything,
and everything gets done.
If those in power could hold to the Way,
The ten thousand things
would look after themselves.
If even so they tried to act,
I'd quiet them with the nameless,
the natural.

In the unnamed, in the unshapen,
is not wanting.
In not wanting is stillness.
In stillness all under heaven rests.

-Tao Te Ching Chapter 37 version by Ursula Le Guin

Nature doesn't make long speeches.
A whirlwind doesn't last all morning.
A cloudburst doesn't last all day.
Who makes the wind and rain?
Heaven and earth do.
If heaven and earth don't go on and on,
certainly people don't need to.

The people who work with the Tao
are Tao people,
they belong to the Way.
People who work with power
belong to power.
People who work with loss
belong to what's lost.

Give yourself to the Way
and you'll be at home on the Way.
Give yourself to power
and you'll be at home in power.
Give yourself to loss
and when you're lost you'll be at home.

To give no trust
is to get no trust.

-Tao Te Ching Chapter 23 version by Ursula Le Guin

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