Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Holiday Studio Schedule

Planning ahead?  

Body Balance Academy will be CLOSED
on these Wednesdays:
December 25th, Christmas Day &
January 1, New Year's Day.

On these Tuesdays,
the 9am class will be for all levels.
There will be no evening classes on
December 24th, Christmas Eve Day &
December 31, New Year's Eve Day.

Count on us as a calm, quiet space
to help you balance
the rest of the holiday whirl. 

Join us for regular classes at all other times. 

Xie, xie.

Monday, November 18, 2013

(You Already Know that) Tai Chi Improves Balance, New Studies Confirm Benefits

An article in Medscape Medical News brings together the results of several new studies on improving physical conditioning and self-confidence to mitigate fall risks for seniors.

Among the key findings of Neil Osterwell's "Tai Chi and Exercise Keep Seniors Upright":

  • Tai chi can help seniors avoid potentially serious falls
  • Tai chi study participants reported higher degrees of confidence in activities requiring balance
  • Tai chi study participants demonstrated increased motivation for physical activity
  • Tai chi study participants reported a more positive attitude about life
  • Tai chi study participants were less likely to dwell on negative thoughts and emotions
Click the link to read the full article.

As you look into the results of your Tai Chi practice, what benefits do you notice?

Monday, November 11, 2013

Simple Practices | Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh on Mindful Breathing and Walking

from the chapter
Breathing With the Planet

"The foundation of all mindfulness practice is awareness of the breath. There is no mindfulness without awareness of our in-breath and out-breath.  Mindful breathing unites the body and mind and helps us to become aware of what is going on inside us and around us. In our daily life, we often forget that mind and body are connected. Our bodies are here but our minds are not. Sometimes we lose ourselves in a book, a film, the Internet or an electronic game, and we're carried off, far away from our body and the reality of where we are.  Then, when we lift our head out of the book or look up from the screen, we may be confronted with feelings of anxiety, guilt, fear or irritation. We rarely go back to our inner peace, to our inner island of calm and clarity, to be in touch with Mother Earth."

"Awareness of the in-breath and the out-breath first of all calms us down. By paying attention to your breathing, without judgement, you bring peace back to your body, and release the pain and  tension. You can say,

Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, my body is at peace.
Breathing in, I take refuge in Mother Earth.
Breathing out, I release all my suffering to the Earth."

Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the best known Buddhist teachers in the world today. His best-selling books include The World We Have and Being Peace. He lives in Plum Village, a monastery in southwest France and travels throughout the world leading retreats on the art of mindful living.

Thich Nhat Hanh talks about mindful walking in this 4 minute video. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Nov. 9th - Tai Chi with Tea and Workshop on Tai Chi Applications and Self-Defense

Join us for a warming cup of tea 
along with your Qi Gong and Tai Chi practice 
this Saturday morning at 10am.

Then stay for a workshop and deeper study of the martial applications of familiar Tai Chi postures. The one and a half hour workshop begins approximately at 11:30am.  The workshop is open to the public.  Special pricing for Lotus, Tai Chi and Kung Fu students.  If you are unsure of whether this workshop is appropriate for you, speak with Program Director Summer Lujan.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sight Osteen | Quest for a Meaningful Life

Sight Osteen attends both Kung Fu and Tai Chi classes at Body Balance Academy.  His young son, Ocean, is also in Kung Fu.

Sight began to practice Shaolin martial arts 25 years ago.He's studied with several Shih Fu's.

“I’m into health and healing”, he says.

Sight studied Ayurveda for 2 years on the East Coast before moving to California where he studied for 2 more years at the California College of Ayurveda in Grass Valley.

Sight is also a hip hop DJ and music producer.He goes by the musical moniker ‘dwnsampla’.

“I’ve been making music for a really long time.”

He says he toured the East Coast with a reggae band, but his West Coast music is different. He describes it as “bass heavy electronic music rooted in hip hop.”

“My music now is harder and really soulful. Big hard beats with a lot of bass. It’s really martial. I got that from listening to hip hop at martial arts studios. They play Wu Tang Clan.”

Sight says the iconic rap group is his main musical influence. He takes “a ton of inspiration” from New York culture, too.

Sight and two other producers run one of Nevada County’s only record labels.  Full Crate Records started in 2011. It features electronic artists with big bass sound.  There are free downloads at fullcraterecords.com 

Or pick up a CD at Füdenjuce in Nevada City.

You can find Sight’s music on his Facebook page or on SoundCloud.

What do martial arts, Ayurvedic healing and hip hop have in common?

Sight says “It’s just that quest for a meaningful life. You can find meaning in anything.”

dwnsampla's website bio ends with a description that might have come from a hip hop version of the Tao Te Ching:

"...Dwnsampla continues to innovatively travel into the fray of the electronic universe."

Xie xie and happy trails DS.

Thanks to Sight Osteen for telling his story to Shih Fu Catherine.    We've noticed that Body Balance students are resourceful, caring, connected people who cultivate chi wherever they go. We want to tell your story, too. Let us know if you have a story to tell. Look for these stories each week on our blog Streaming Chi.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Liz Ekblad Playing Harp at Hospice

Liz Ekblad began playing the harp three years ago. That was about year after she became a Tai Chi student at Body Balance Academy.

“I’ve always thought the harp would be a really nice thing to play. When I went through cancer treatment, I found out the Cancer Support Center at the hospital has a harp group. So I joined. Lisa Stein, the instructor, starts beginners with a little harp. It has 22 strings and you can carry it.”

Liz had played piano as a child. When she asked Lisa about learning to play, Lisa told her the harp is just like a piano standing on end. 

“It really is,” says Liz. 

“Then as you start playing you want to have a bigger one for the deeper sounds.  There’s a 25-string harp and a 34-string size. I ended up buying 2 harps. I can play the same songs. But more strings mean more bass notes.”

Every Tuesday morning Liz sets up her harp in the hallway at the Compassionate Care Home at Hospice of the Foothills. She plays just outside of the rooms, moving her 30 pound harp from one spot in the hallway to another.  Sometimes people ask her to come in and play. But that is unusual.

“People are involved in caring for a friend or spouse. (I) make a peaceful, quiet, comfortable sound, playing songs that they wouldn’t know. I use my Tai Chi in preparing to play (focusing on) what’s going to happen, who’s going to be there, what can I do.”

Liz uses the Qigong for preparation. Her goal is to relax and let the music flow.

“I try not to think ‘What if this is the last sound they hear?’ I try not to think about it.”

Liz says, “Instead of focusing on death, I keep my focus on moving on. It feels like something that is very useful to do. And I want to do things that are useful. I love it.” But she admits that sometimes she does think, “…if I were lying in bed dying what would I want to hear?”

Some of her favorite songs to play are Amazing Grace, Shenandoah and Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child.

She loves the sound of the harp. And she also loves that when she plays at Hospice, it doesn’t feel like a performance to her.  She describes it as “Making beautiful music in a quiet space.”

Liz retired from social work, but never imagined she could do Hospice work.  After a couple of friends began to volunteer, Liz went to a training session. Now, in addition to playing the harp, she also volunteers for Dying Vigil.

“If family wants someone there, there’s a volunteer who comes and stays a bit. It’s way beyond anything I’d ever thought I want to do or could do. It’s very meaningful work.”

In fact, she says, “It gives meaning to my life at this point. If we have families, we’re all going to have to do it. It’s doing what I feel is important to do with my life. I got through raising the kids, did my work. And now I’m retired. I can do whatever I want to do with my time. This is what I want to do.”

Thanks to Liz Ekblad for telling her story to Shih Fu Catherine.    We've noticed that Body Balance students are resourceful, caring, connected people who cultivate chi wherever they go. We want to tell your story, too. Let us know if you have a story to tell. Look for these stories each week on our blog Streaming Chi.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What the Lotus Study Group is reading this fall

Staying Healthy With The Seasons 
by Elson M. Haas, MD

In the Chinese system, the Metal element is associated with the lungs and large intestine, and the autumn season. This is a good time to work at keeping these organs strong and healthy.
Hello friends, welcome to autumn.  This is the season of the harvest, the fruition of all the growth of spring and summer. This is true for us as well, as we receive the benefits from our work and projects, our relationships, and our health from all the energy we put into these areas during the last six months. The seeds we have sown, now shall we reap.

Shih Fu Eileen writes, "Embody the awareness of the human relationship to the presence of the five elements and the role they play within the four seasons and the seasonal transitions. Learn and experience the tools to influence energetic components of the nature of our beings and moving toward maintaining equilibrium between our internal and external environment. In essence, here we develop a mutually beneficial relationship between our inner and our outer world (surrounding environment)."

From the Haas Health Online website: "A classic in integrated medicine, now in its 30th printing! This book demonstrates a balanced blend of Eastern and Western medicines, nutrition, herbology, exercise and a wealth of other health topics. It makes this book one the strongest texts on health and preventive medicine ever written, with a clear and concise introduction to the applications of traditional Chinese medical theory and the five elements."

Monday, September 2, 2013

Wisdom from Ch'an Master Sheng-Yen

Power is the absence of greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogance and doubt.
"The Infinite Mirror"
Ch'an Master Sheng-Yen

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Picture of Chi: Cowboy Dave and Melvin with all six feet off the ground

Dave Gates writes, "We were on a family vacation at the T Cross Ranch in the Absaorka mountains north of Dubios, Wyoming.   Melvin was my stead for the week and he was quite spirited.  The day of the picture there was a gymkhana on the ranch and Melvin and I competed in the barrel races.  It felt great to be galloping at full tilt atop Melvin but my immediate concern was whether I could get him to stop before we hit the fence."

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tai Chi with Tea and Promotion Ceremony Sat Sep 14 10am

Enjoy a cup of tea 

with your
Body Balance community 

following the Qi Gong set 

Promotion Ceremony. 

Celebrate the balance, centeredness and tranquility 

of our Tai Chi brothers and sisters.

Saturday September 14, 10am

Live Music with Bill Douglass

Kung Fu Sash Promotion Friday September 13 6pm

Celebrate the confidence, 
strength and resilience 
of our kung fu students.

Friday, Sept. 13 6PM

for a

Kung Fu Sash Promotion


Slideshow & Video
of  2013 tournament

Body Balance Kung Fu Team Brings Home 14 Medals

From left: Brian Haennelt, Emily Melancon, Chandra Moore (kneeling), Summer Lujan, Kiala Lujan, Steve Adel (in back), Vivian Borello, Shih Fu Eileen Hancock and Kaia Smith  
BALTIMORE — Grass Valley martial arts school, Body Balance Academy, showed its kung fu prowess at the U.S. International Kuo Shu Championship Tournament in Baltimore and brought home the medals as evidence.

The team took six gold medals in forms, weapon sparring and light contact sparring. Eight additional silver and bronze medals were also awarded to the team of martial artists.

The Kuo Shu Championship Tourney is an annual competition that celebrated its 25th anniversary this year.

Body Balance owner and Master Shi Fu Eileen Hancock takes her team of students to the competition every year.

Team spirit runs high for this small band of competitors. Six students from Body Balance Academy participated in the tournament.

“We are a small and energetic team of capable and committed students,” said Hancock.
Hancock grew up participating in international kung fu and tai chi tournaments and now participates as a judge. She was recognized for her support and participation in the tournament and received an executive citation from the Baltimore County Executives.

Before this year’s tournament began, the governor of the state of Maryland, Martin O’Malley proclaimed July 21-28 International Kuo Shu week. President Obama signed the proclamation.

Body Balance Academy is located in the old Union Building on Mill Street in downtown Grass Valley and offers classes in kung fu and tai chi.


Labor Day Class Schedule Tai Chi 11am No Kung Fu

Enjoy the Space Within
On Labor Day, Monday September 2, all Tai Chi classes will combine into one session at 11am.  This class is open to all levels, including fundamentals.

There will be no Kung Fu class that day.

Regular class schedule resumes on Tuesday September 3rd.

Xie, xie.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Support Body Balance Kung Fu Team this Saturday July 6th 10a-2p

Body Balance Academy is sending 
a strong Kung Fu team 
to the International Kuo Shu Tournament 
in Baltimore 
again this year.  

The team is fundraising
 this weekend 
with a CAR WASH at 
Jamba Juice in Grass Valley.

Get your vehicle washed 
right there in the parking lot.  
All proceeds go to the team.  

Pick up a flyer (at the studio)
for 15% off any purchase 
during the car wash
to benefit the team.

July 6th from 10a-2p

All donations to team expenses 
gratefully accepted!
See Summer Lujan or Shih Fu Eileen.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Overtone Series with Bill Douglass Sat. 11:30am

Bill Douglass will be making a presentation of the beauty of the Overtone Series.

Bill Douglass on Chinese Flute at Tai Chi with Tea

All the sounds we hear include this shimmering series. He will bring an electric keyboard and his bass violin to demonstrate these sounds.  Also he will play and talk about the 7 modes that are within the Major Scale. Anyone who comes to this presentation will get to join in, singing drones and perhaps to improvise on the modes.

Music is magic!!

Open to the public.

Friday, June 7, 2013

An Evening of Classical Indian Vocal Music Fri Jun 14

Friday June 14th at 8:00pm

Hemang Mehta  - Vocalist from Pune, India
accompanied by

Joe Fajen - Tabla
Ganesh Swami - Harmonium

Kathak Dance with Anya Devi, Danny Birch, Joe Fajen

$20 General
$15 Body Balance Students

For more information,
call Anya 530-470-0350

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Master Li Siming 11:30-1:00 Saturday May 25th

Join us at Body Balance for a session on bridging the art of internal and external practice of martial arts with

Master Li Siming
from Wudang Mountain China

Taoist Philosophy & Exercises

and the Founding Principles of Martial Arts

Saturday 11:30am to 1:00pm


Open to the Public

Monday, May 13, 2013

Applied Tai Chi - Taking the principles of tai chi into your summer activities

Body Balance students are discovering that the principles of Tai Chi operate just as well outside the studio.

For example: You can weed-whack, shovel or rake while moving from your center.

When you discover another way to apply what you've learned in Tai Chi to your summer activities, take a picture of yourself in motion and we'll post it on the blog.

Happy summer!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Thai Massage Playshop with Anya Devi, CMT

Learn the fundamentals of Tai bodywork in this interactive playshop:

  • proper body mechanics
  • compassionate touch
  • focused technique
No prior experience necessary.

Saturday May 18th from 11:30am-1:30pm.

$25 for general public.

$20 for Body Balance students

To register call 530-470-0350

Anya Devi has over 23 years bodywork experience and 10 years teaching experience. She is certified in ITM (Institute of Thai Massage) in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Tai Chi with Tea Saturday May 11 10am

Once a month, the Body Balance community enjoys the grace and beauty of moving through the Ba Duan Jin and Yang Style Tai Chi form to live music from our long-time friend and lotus scholar Bill Douglass.

Your friends, family and the general public are always invited to attend this special class that usually takes place on the second Saturday of each month.

Kung Fu Black Sash Ceremony Friday May 10th 6pm + Tai Chi and Kung Fu Performances

Larissa Gilbert spins the long staff
Friday night's ceremony will be only the second black sash ceremony at Body Balance. Come experience the excitement and intensity of this special recognition of a life-time of learning and discipline.

Along with the black sash ceremony, there will be kung fu performances from team members who will compete in the Baltimore Tournament this July.

And if that's not enough, you'll also enjoy the slow, focused energy of tai chi sword and form promotions.

The evening is a benefit for the Tournament Team.  Your donations much appreciated. Everyone welcome and invited to attend and celebrate.

Monday, April 22, 2013

How does tai chi influence the body and mind? Ask Doctor K...


I have heard that tai chi can have a profound impact on the body and mind. What gives this exercise so much power?


Tai chi is a Chinese martial art made up of a series of graceful movements, one transitioning smoothly into the next. Tai chi is said to be good for both body and mind; in fact, it’s been called “meditation in motion.”
My Harvard Medical School colleague Dr. Peter Wayne, with Mark Fuerst, has written an informative new book about tai chi called “The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi.” 
In his book Dr. Wayne discusses the "Eight Active Ingredients" of tai chi. These are:
  • Awareness
  • Intention
  • Structural Integration
  • Active Relaxation
  • Strengthening and flexibility
  • Natural, freer breathing
  • Social support
  • Embodied Spirituality
To read more of this column and find out more about this book go to Ask Doctor K, a health column by Dr. Anthony L. Komaroff of the Harvard Medical School.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ni Hao to Body Balance Retreat in Costa Rica

Just a note to say hello and wish you all a very lovely retreat.  Classes are going well here in the midst of Spring Break. We think of you practicing Tai Chi and Kung Fu on the beach with the setting sun and full moon rising.  ¡Pura vida!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Yi Jin Jing on First Mondays at 4pm

Mark your calendars for Yi Jin Jing practice.

The usual schedule is for Shih Fu Eileen to lead us in the Yi Jin Jing on the first Monday of the month at the 4pm class.

March 4th will be the next practice.

The session for April will occur on the second Monday, April 8th.

The Yi Jin Jing is for students who have completed all six sections of the 108 Tai Chi form.

Chapter 78 Tao Te Ching

Nothing in the world
is as soft and yielding as water.
Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible,
nothing can surpass it.

The soft overcomes the hard;
the gentle overcomes the rigid.
Everyone knows this is true,
but few can put it into practice.

Therefore the Master remains
serene in the midst of sorrow.
Evil cannot enter his heart.
Because he has given up helping,
he is people's greatest help.

True words seem paradoxical.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Gung hay fat choy! Happy New Year of the Water Snake!

Thanks to everyone at Body Balance for a wonderful celebration of the New Year with Kung Fu and Tai Chi performances that surprised and pleased us all. It was a fabulous gathering.

I'm sure there will be pictures to share soon.  And hope any of you photographers will contribute your images to this blog so we can share them with folks who were unable to attend.

Special thanks to Summer Lujan, Program Director for training with the Kung Fu students, preparing the performances and pulling off a terrific event.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Saturday Feb 9th workshop with Shih Fu Nick Hancock

Hurry to reserve your space 
in a special New Year's workshop 
bridging the internal and external martial arts
with Shih Fu Nick Hancock 
on Saturday February 9th 
from 11:30am to 1:00pm.

The workshop is free 
to Lotus and Leadership members 
of Body Balance Academy.

The workshop is open
to the public. 

Family and friends of
Body Balance students
are invited to attend.

Just $50 for the full workshop.
Discounts available 
for multiple family members.

To reserve your space,
sign up at the studio.

Or call 530-477-0677.

Celebrate Chinese New Year with us Feb 8th

On Friday, February 8th, 
Body Balance Academy will celebrate 
Chinese New Year 
with a Kung Fu and Tai Chi performance 
followed by dinner 
for students and their families and friends.  
Sign up at the studio to celebrate the 
Year of the Snake.

Chicken Soup Helps Reduce Joint Pain

This bit of culinary advice comes from my nearly 82 year old dad, Tony Stifter, who was an avid road cyclist for nearly two decades. He was a Type A guy and he holds every record in the Twin Cities Bicycle Club.  Now retired from the road, he sends me clippings on financial and physical health as well as recipes that he's tried and perfected.  This one, he says, truly benefits from the addition of the lemon at the end, as noted in the recipe.  

Chicken soup is supposed to be good for whatever ails you.  Vegetarians could make this a miso or veggie broth soup with slices of yam and enjoy similar benefits.  I use big fresh slices of warming ginger in my soups during the cold winter months. Instead of noodles, try leftover rice. Or for a bit of crunch, place a rice cake in the bottom of your bowl and ladle soup over it. Be creative!

If you are interested (as I am) in natural ways to reduce inflammation in painful or arthritic joints, read and use the food list along side of the recipe.  

Saturday, January 19, 2013

All classes on regular schedule on Martin Luther King Jr. holiday

"During the less than 13 years of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s leadership of the modern American Civil Rights Movement, from December, 1955 until April 4, 1968, African Americans achieved more genuine progress toward racial equality in America than the previous 350 years had produced. Dr. King is widely regarded as America’s pre-eminent advocate of nonviolence and one of the greatest nonviolent leaders in world history.

Drawing inspiration from both his Christian faith and the peaceful teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. King led a nonviolent movement in the late 1950’s and ‘60s to achieve legal equality for African-Americans in the United States. While others were advocating for freedom by “any means necessary,” including violence, Martin Luther King, Jr. used the power of words and acts of nonviolent resistance, such as protests, grassroots organizing, and civil disobedience to achieve seemingly-impossible goals. He went on to lead similar campaigns against poverty and international conflict, always maintaining fidelity to his principles that men and women everywhere, regardless of color or creed, are equal members of the human family.
Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speechNobel Peace Prize lecture and“Letter from a Birmingham Jail” are among the most revered orations and writings in the English language. His accomplishments are now taught to American children of all races, and his teachings are studied by scholars and students worldwide. He is the only non-president to have a national holiday dedicated in his honor, and is the only non-president memorialized on the Great Mall in the nation’s capitol. He is memorialized in hundreds of statues, parks, streets, squares, churches and other public facilities around the world as a leader whose teachings are increasingly-relevant to the progress of humankind."

(text from King Center website)

On the King Center website, ordinary people have shared their dreams about:
be happy
end hunger
end war
racial integration
continue Dr. King's legacy
end violence
improve government
help others

To add your dream and learn more about Dr. King's legacy, visit The King Center for Nonviolent Social Change:

Tao Te Ching Chapter 37

The Tao is eternal without doing,
And nothing remains undone.
When nobility and royalty know how to cherish it,
All things will unfold by themselves.
If they unfold, and desires arise,
It would banish them through heartfelt simplicity.
Heartfelt simplicity creates freedom from desire.
Freedom from desire creates stillness.
And the world becomes right by itself.

--Translation by Matthias Schossig

Friday, January 4, 2013

Tai Chi/Tea & Promotion Ceremony Jan 12th

You are cordially invited to attend

Tai Chi with Tea
Promotion Ceremony

Saturday January 12
starting at 10am

Come celebrate the diligence 
of our Tai Chi community practitioners 
as they perform

Tai Chi Fundamentals
Ba Duan Jin
Section One
Section Three
Section Six

Tao Te Ching Chapter 29

Do you want to improve the world?
I don't think it can be done.

The world is sacred.
It can't be improved.
If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it.
If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it.

There is a time for being ahead,
a time for being behind;
a time for being in motion,
a time for being at rest;
a time for being vigorous,
a time for being exhausted;
a time for being safe,
a time for being in danger.

The Master sees things as they are,
without trying to control them.
She lets them go their own way,
and resides at the center of the circle.

 -A New English Version by Stephen Mitchell

(link brings you to an online mandala resource center with a wide variety of images, etc. Enjoy.) 

Practice Yi Jin Jing on Monday January 7 at 4pm Tai Chi

Shih Fu Eileen Hancock will lead the full Qigong set, Yi Jin Jing, at Monday's advanced Tai Chi class at 4pm. Please join us if you have completed the Six Sections of the Yang Long Form Tai Chi.