Thursday, September 29, 2011

cultivate chi on the Yuba River, sunrise October 8

Shih Fu Catherine invites you to join with her and the Tsi Akim Maidu for Calling Back the Salmon Ceremony at sunrise, Saturday October 8th at Sycamore Ranch Park (off Highway 20, 4.5 miles west of Parks Bar bridge).

Each year for the past 11 years, the Tsi Akim Maidu tribe has invited everyone to join them for a sunrise ceremony to call the salmon back to their ancestral home in the Yuba River. This ceremony invites us to cultivate chi in our own backyard, to join energies to heal the river ecosystem and to heal our relationships with each other.  Learn more about the tribe and the history of this fall celebration at

Don't miss this unique local cultural experience. Ask Catherine about the ceremony if you are interested to attend and participate.

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