Monday, April 22, 2013

How does tai chi influence the body and mind? Ask Doctor K...


I have heard that tai chi can have a profound impact on the body and mind. What gives this exercise so much power?


Tai chi is a Chinese martial art made up of a series of graceful movements, one transitioning smoothly into the next. Tai chi is said to be good for both body and mind; in fact, it’s been called “meditation in motion.”
My Harvard Medical School colleague Dr. Peter Wayne, with Mark Fuerst, has written an informative new book about tai chi called “The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi.” 
In his book Dr. Wayne discusses the "Eight Active Ingredients" of tai chi. These are:
  • Awareness
  • Intention
  • Structural Integration
  • Active Relaxation
  • Strengthening and flexibility
  • Natural, freer breathing
  • Social support
  • Embodied Spirituality
To read more of this column and find out more about this book go to Ask Doctor K, a health column by Dr. Anthony L. Komaroff of the Harvard Medical School.