Monday, February 18, 2013

Yi Jin Jing on First Mondays at 4pm

Mark your calendars for Yi Jin Jing practice.

The usual schedule is for Shih Fu Eileen to lead us in the Yi Jin Jing on the first Monday of the month at the 4pm class.

March 4th will be the next practice.

The session for April will occur on the second Monday, April 8th.

The Yi Jin Jing is for students who have completed all six sections of the 108 Tai Chi form.

Chapter 78 Tao Te Ching

Nothing in the world
is as soft and yielding as water.
Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible,
nothing can surpass it.

The soft overcomes the hard;
the gentle overcomes the rigid.
Everyone knows this is true,
but few can put it into practice.

Therefore the Master remains
serene in the midst of sorrow.
Evil cannot enter his heart.
Because he has given up helping,
he is people's greatest help.

True words seem paradoxical.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Gung hay fat choy! Happy New Year of the Water Snake!

Thanks to everyone at Body Balance for a wonderful celebration of the New Year with Kung Fu and Tai Chi performances that surprised and pleased us all. It was a fabulous gathering.

I'm sure there will be pictures to share soon.  And hope any of you photographers will contribute your images to this blog so we can share them with folks who were unable to attend.

Special thanks to Summer Lujan, Program Director for training with the Kung Fu students, preparing the performances and pulling off a terrific event.